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News BriefPodcastsTEDXAccra Partners With 'The Change Africa Podcast' To Launch New Show

Photo by: TEDxAccra Change Africa Podcast Artwork Change Africa Podcast Artwork

The podcast will feature beyond-the-surface discussions about the impact of the “TEDxAccra Agents of Change” and the industries they influence.

TEDxAccra is partnering with The Change Africa Podcast to highlight the impact of prominent African professionals who are leaving a mark in their respective industries. As part of the collaboration, the two entities have just released an eight-episode podcast which showcases professionals from the fields of Education, Tech, Sports, Social Impact, Entertainment and Creative Arts. The podcast is hosted by Acast and speakers featured on the podcast include: Power to Girls Foundation founder, Aisha Addo; Web3 Accra founder Del Titus Bawuah; and The Mail Room CEO Kenny Annan Jonathan, among others. In a press release, Isaac Aboah, who is a host for the Change Africa Podcast, talked about the partnership. Aboah said: "The conversations on the Change Africa Podcast always present a cathartic, refreshing meditation on the works of our guests by presenting a space for them to be authentic and vulnerable. The podcast always reveals the deeper meaning and purpose of their change journeys. And this is why the TEDxAccra collaboration is so meaningful to us, as we help discover and spread ideas that spark imagination, embrace possibility and catalyse impact in consonance with TED’s mission.” Read more

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